Paranormal Activity..?

Petr Angel
5 min readNov 1, 2021

Okay, let me fall into the house with the door and all..!! This morning, 1 November 2021, at 2am, my bathroom light, which has a sensor, went on all by itself..!? I had previous experiences of such phenomena, but similar things happened maybe only twice since I moved in 7 years ago. All my fittings and switches are in an excellent condition, so I must rule out any “bad connection” as a possible cause.

I woke up at 1am to go to the WC, which is located next to the bathroom. I never switch on any lights when I get up at night, because it is not necessary. So, when I was done in the WC, I went back to bed. I could not fall asleep immediately and then all of a sudden “click” on goes the light. Now, the light can only go on when the sensor is being activated by “someone”….? This whole occurrence leaves my in a surprised and exited mood. (If I can call it a mood at all…!?) Excited..? by an unexplained phenomena in my apartment, would you ask..? Well, yes, I am rather curious about the whole incident.

I had similar experiences in another apartment where I lived for 15 years prior to me moving to my current apartment. Here I experienced lights that switch on by itself, my electric kettle would switch on by itself and also the television. I also had my cold water tap in the bathroom open up in full force by itself. However, since I moved to my current apartment, the incidents basically stopped and last night’s occurrence was the first in a very long time.

The reason why I say that it leaves me rather excited, is because I am currently more in a situation of spirituality than being religious. I have serious interest in paranormal phenomena, UFOs, Angels, Spirit Guides and other spiritual matters and I am therefore wondering if there could be a connection between my spiritual search and these occurrences..?

During my daily spiritual practices and meditation, I ask for Spirits to connect with me, as I am of the opinion that there are far more “THINGS” out there than we realize..! I talk to my Angels (if I could call them “mine”), and I also talk to my Spirit Guides and other Spirit Beings. So far, I have not been really successful to get a reply from anyone, at least not in the manner that I want to be replied to. To be honest, I am not really sure how these entities will reply to me.! Maybe they do, but I am not aware of the way that they respond. Maybe I want them to respond like humans respond to us. I am not always sure what to expect.!

Since I was a very young kid, I was always aware of “things” which were especially in my dark and scary type of bedroom. Maybe it was all in my mind.!? We all know that fear is a misleading thing and that most so called “paranormal phenomena” always have a logical explanation. Maybe all these current occurrences are nothing but my old mind playing tricks on me…?

It is true that I am rather interested in the dark side of everything, since I can remember. I would much rather read and investigate so called occult material and things, because I am one of those who has a “knowing” that there are more to the spirit world than what we really experience. For me, most people are so busy with life and the ups and downs thereof, that they have almost no time for anything else than the physical things of their lives..? The race for the physical stuff of this time and age is more important to most people…at least to the people that I know.!

When I talk about meditation and spending time contemplating in a dark room, or staring at a black dot on my bedroom wall, or lighting a candle for my Angels and Guides, most of my friends think that I am crazy.! I have often heard that I am “opening doors” which cause all these things to occur. However, when hear about “seek and you will find” and “knock and the door will open” then I am still in search for the place(s) to seek and for the doors where I should knock..! Yeah, I know I am different.! I have been called as being eccentric..! Maybe I am.? I do things that most other people don’t even think about.? Not bad things, but just peculiar behavior and peculiar thinking.

I lately refuse to think negative. When I say “lately” I mean like for many years I refuse to join the negative squad. If you want to talk and reason in a negative manner, then I won’t be part of the conversation. No matter how bad the circumstances may be or threaten to be, I stay positive..! I won’t join you on the doom and gloom trip.

Gosh.!, when I decided to focus more on the spiritual side of life, away from all these religious teachings, I had such a problem and challenge in my head and in my complete soul. I really struggled to accept this new path that I decided to venture upon. Will God still love me.? Am I on my way to hell..!! For a long time I kept my “new” course a secret and to a certain extend I still do not share my spiritual life with anyone. I dare not speak to just anyone about my paranormal experiences. That is of course if they are at all “paranormal”. Of course I sound confused.!….and I am also excited and curious.

Early this morning, when I experienced this phenomena in my house, I was not at all scared. I asked: “who are you.? what is your name”, but no one answered. Maybe there wasn’t anyone to answer.? But I am sure of myself..! There is just no way that the bathroom light could go on by itself. Years back, during a similar unexplained thing that happened with me, I was terrified. Now, after many years of searching and wondering, I feel much more at ease.

I know last night was Halloween, but in my country we do not “celebrate” Halloween. It is also true that I have a stage magic room and that I create some new magic tricks continuously and there could be a connection between all of this. Personally I think there is.! On the other hand, there are so much that we do not yet know or understand about most of these so called “dark things”.

Okay, I think that I am going to stop here with this story at least.! I will surely report back…. :-)



Petr Angel

I am a complicated designed eccentric soul. I know there’s more than what we see with our physical eyes, but I don’t know where to find it.