Mars and Moon Borders…..imagine.

Petr Angel
4 min readJul 5, 2021

Yeah, when I think about the advancement of technology and our quest for greatness, I also think about the song, Imagine, which was written by John Lennon way back in 1971. To a very large extent I can relate to the lyrics of the song.

When I look around me, here in Africa where I live, I see all the have’s and the have not’s. The poverty and the misery and also the impossibility of ever getting out of it. Of course the lack in which people live can be justified, depending on who you are and what your financial status is. On top of it all, it remains a matter of every man (women) for themselves.

Imagine..! The race for outer space is on.! Already, the Americans are talking about a “space force” and when they establish such a force, which most probably already exist, the rest of the so called “super powers” will follow suit. But what will these “space forces” do. Will they continue to kill and slaughter each other as they currently do with their “earth forces”..? Will borders be lined out on Mars and the Moon..? Will there be a continued mentality of this is “ours”..!? Will the lack of the nations be ignored as it currently is..?

Imagine..! Which part of Mars and the Moon belongs to whom..? Is it a matter of “you can have the craters” and we will take “the flat areas”..? What if there are valuable minerals on these celestial places..? Will there be a sharing of Mars and the Moon as Lennon’s song implied..? Will the hunger, poverty and the greed continue once we inhabit these outer places..?

Imagine..! The nations of the earth will never be “one”..! Over a period of millennia we endeavored to subject those who were less fortunate, to the will of the strongest.! It still remains a matter of “the survival of the fittest”. Politicians speak words of encouragement to further only their own pockets at the end of the day. I was still just a kid when my father used to say: “Once the politician is in the parliamentary seat, it is a matter of bugger you Jack, I’m okay”..! That type of mentality remains to this day.

Imagine..! When I do an internet search for “borders on Mars and the Moon” I currently find very little information. However, the geography of both Mars and the Moon are already there. That’s about all. But it will soon change.! Lines and borders will be drawn. Kids on earth in the geography classroom will soon not only have a globe to study, but also a Mars and a Moon, all decorated with “this belongs to us and this belongs to them”. I fear that day. It will only be a continuation of the status quo. The presence of the rovers of both the USA and China will surely contribute to the likeliness of border lines to follow. Of course, that is just my humble opinion and observation from the information currently at hand. But I know humanity..! It can be extremely selfish and cruel right to the core. If we have a desire for not sharing the abundance which is available on Earth, why would we share the limited resources which are available in space. That is of course if the resources in the heavens are at all limited.?. Maybe the real abundance is right there in the skies, making it even much more desirable for man’s greed.

Imagine..! For me, John Lennon’s song will just remain a hopeful (but hopeless) song. As earthlings move into space, very little will change. Already we see and hear that the “race is on”..! A race for what! If something belongs to everyone, why race! Why not share it! Maybe it’s time for theologians to change and rewrite the scripture verses of the Bible to include “reigning over the heavens as well”. Our ability to “reign over earth” so far has been a disaster. Fortunately, there are no vegetation and no other living beings to kill and to destroy, but new targets will be found to attack. What these targets will look like, nobody currently knows, but surely the topography of Mars and the Moon will soon start to change. Some of the changes will be for the better of some of humanity, but all of humanity will not be included.!

Imagine..! Then of course, and only then, will we have to face the aliens. For many years to come the fight against the other “rulers of the universe” will start and continue. Earthlings will continue to hate each other here on planet Earth. As lines are drawn below, so will lines be drawn above.

As it is on earth, so it will be in heaven. That’s not my imagination..!!



Petr Angel

I am a complicated designed eccentric soul. I know there’s more than what we see with our physical eyes, but I don’t know where to find it.